November 6, 2023

The Nix MINI 3 and SPECTRO L can be used with the Wasatch SoftRIP Color Neighborhood (located on the Color drop-down menu) or when performing a spot color replacement (with CIE LAB selected as the replacement color space). When accessing these tools, please use the following instructions to use the Nix MINI 3 with SoftRIP.


After connecting the Nix device to the PC with the provided USB cable, before it can be used for spot color capture in SoftRIP, please follow the instructions below to obtain the value encoded in the QR code printed on the Diagnostics Tile.

This value will then be entered into the Nix Configuration in SoftRIP. As the value is very long it is not recommended to enter it into SoftRIP manually.

This value can be obtained by using a camera app on a smart phone. Skip the Windows 10 / 11 Camera app instructions to see more on smart phone acquisition.


Calibration is required before scanning the target. Be sure to place the Nix device on the included Diagnostics Tile before clicking OK when prompted to Calibrate the device.

If more than one spot color is measured, subsequent measurements do not require calibration between measurements. Calibration is only necessary once per measurement session.

Scanning the target

After calibration is complete, place the device on the surface color to be measured and click OK.