Problems With Security Software:
Security software, such as antivirus programs and firewalls, are a common requirement these days. Wasatch makes every effort to ensure compatibility with security software, and with the vast majority all is well. In some cases however, problems do occur. At this time we are aware of Webroot, Sophos, and Comodo that present problems.
While most security software works with SoftRIP, some may cause SoftRIP to fail to install, stop the ripping process, or cause random printing problems such as checkered patterns and color shifts. With these specific security programs, we suggest disabling or removing them completely. However, some of our customers have managed to fix these programs by setting an exclusion of the SoftRIP program folder or creating exceptions for specific processes within SoftRIP.

In General:
If the security software is causing installation problems with SoftRIP, it may be helpful to temporarily disable the antivirus software or firewall. Often these two programs will be combined within a single security software suite. Typically, once SoftRIP has been installed, the programs that were temporarily disabled can be enabled again.
In some situations printing problems may continue, causing corrupt print data. Printing may result in partial prints, color shifts, or checker-boarded output from the data loss. We suggest modifying the firewall to exclude the C:\WWRIPxx folder (folder may exist on a different drive and xx is typically the SoftRIP version) and adding exceptions for the following individual files:
- \WWRIPxx\printspooler.exe
- \WWRIPxx\ps3.exe
- \WWRIPxx\wwrip.exe
For more information on how to set up exceptions or exclude a folder, please refer to the security software's manual (or contact the manufacturer of the security software).
Computer systems with Webroot block the SoftRIP installation and won't allow it to complete. Webroot must be removed before SoftRIP can be installed on a system. Disabling of Webroot will not allow SoftRIP to be installed.
Installing Sophos after SoftRIP has been installed may allow SoftRIP to run. However, modifications to Sophos may need to be made if the print data is still being corrupted. Possible corrupted output may cause partial prints, color shifts, or checker-boarded patterns. Wasatch's suggested changes to make in Sophos are:
- Add exclusion for “File or Folder(Windows)” for:
- C:\WWRIPxx (folder may exist on a different drive and xx is typically the SoftRIP version number)
- Add exclusions* for the following files in SoftRIP:
- C:\WWRIPxx\ps3.exe
- C:\WWRIPxx\printerspooler.exe
- C:\WWRIPxx\wwrip.exe
*The above exclusions need to be "Exploit Mitigation (Windows)” exclusions.
- Go to the Device Manager (Windows) and 'disable' then 're-enable' the 'SafeNet USB SuperPro/UltraPro' device in the Device Manager. This suggestion is only applicable if a USB dongle is being used.
NOTE: Some of our customers found it necessary to completely remove the Sophos software from their computer, before all their printing issues were resolved.