Roland VersaArt RA-640/RE-640

July 9, 2012

Print Mode:

If you click on the Properties button next to the Printer Model window on the Imaging Configuration screen, the following control panel for this printer will be displayed:

Media Options:

When you click on the Media Options tab, the following properties control panel will be displayed:

Heater Setting:

When you click on the Heater Setting tab, the following properties control panel will be displayed:

Note: These controls are only available when the 'Ink Type' on the 'Print Mode' tab is set to 'Solvent'


When you click on the Advanced tab, the following properties control panel will be displayed:

The Advanced controls are the same as those of other printers, and are only available if a monochrome mode has been selected on the Print Mode tab.

Custom Ink Set:

If the additional ROLANDRA640HIFI code has been enabled, then the Print Mode window will offer the ability to create HiFi Inksets. Below shows the modified Print Mode window.

For more information on creating custom inksets and using the Passes control, click here.