Holiday Automation

November 14, 2023

Holiday high season is here, and users of Wasatch Automation Option are making their usual holiday requests.

QR Codes are in fashion, and we've just released a small update to provide two new options in the Wasatch API.

Watch this 40-second video to see quick QR Code annotation of a page.

Watch the additional short video below to see annotation placed into the margin of a layout of pages, keeping larger collections organized.

This update is free of charge for subscriptions that include Automation Option.  If you haven't tried this option, add it at a small extra charge.

Download it now in the latest update.

See below how to use the Wasatch API to place a QR Code into a layout of multiple pages.  Note that's on the layout, in the margin, not on the pages in the layout. It can be put anywhere, but the margin is a nice place to keep it out of the way of the jobs being printed.

Visit documentation for the Wasatch API