Wasatch Digital Coupons
Wasatch Digital Coupons are small PDF files that can be sent by email. They enable the holder to start a working subscription to Wasatch SoftRIP instantly and free of charge, completely eliminating the need for physical shipments.
Wasatch Digital Coupons are often available to select partners. Extra value is created by our generous support of extra driver packages and optional features during the free period created by the coupon. Coupons are available one to a customer, and the Wasatch licensing system includes software logic to prevent coupons from being used to renew subscriptions. Coupons can be transferred directly to end users, or to resellers who wish to create "loyalty programs" with subscriptions held in their own Wasatch Cloud Accounts.
Extended periods of three years or more can be arranged for bundling with leased equipment.
Elite manufacturers and distributors of digital printers use these coupons to include Wasatch subscriptions with their products. It is easy to do, and far less costly than bundling RIP software. By partnering in this way, they gain access to over 80,000 Wasatch users worldwide. If you are in the business of manufacturing or distributing digital printers supported by Wasatch, and would like to learn more, please use the form below to request more information.