Wasatch SoftRIP Version 8.0
Wasatch SoftRIP Version 8.0 provides an improved user interface, Shape Nesting, Halftone Effects for DTF and DTG printing, reliable legacy color matching, improved convenience for subscription holders, and services from the Wasatch Cloud.
The new features described here are available only with Wasatch subscriptions. Current subscribers may download Version 8.0 here.

Improved User Interface
The newly improved Queues Tab in Wasatch SoftRIP helps you check on your jobs at a glance, with thumbnail images and color coding to indicate status. Also, if you really prefer the old black-and-white display, change the settings in the Preferences tab.
Match Your Color
Your customers demand that you match the color of their previous jobs, and Version 8.0 guarantees it. When you install Version 8.0 alongside your previous installation of any version back to Version 7.0, simply ask the installer to transfer previous settings. They will be transferred and adapted, and SoftRIP's output will be identical. Automatic. Guaranteed.
If you are running an older version, such as any Version 6.x or 5.x, we can probably do exactly the same. Contact our service department for details.
Once your Imaging Configurations have been moved into Version 8.0, all of our latest tools for easy sharing become available.

Shape Nesting
Paper and film are expensive, so every subscription to Wasatch SoftRIP includes Shape Nesting, as well as a number of options for nesting simple pages.
Watch this 40-second video for a quick demonstration.
Halftone Effects
Halftone effects, or "rasterization", is a powerful technique for enhancement of DTF and DTG prints. It allows the addition of "pinholes" or "break line" patterns to printed graphics, allowing garments to "breathe" and stretch without cracking within the design.
Included in every base subscription to Wasatch SoftRIP, these controls can be adjusted to produce thousands of different effects, from a "retro" look, to high-lpi "pinholes" and breaks for improved hand feel and durability.
Watch this 50-second video to see "sport mesh" and "ripstop fabric" simulations.

Colorimetry for Everyone
The Nix Mini 3 brings colorimetry to everyone. With this low-cost instrument, costing only $109US, we get remarkable precision, within a DeltaE of instruments costing ten times more.
Use it to create spot color replacements in SoftRIP, with CIE LAB color measured directly from your samples. For even greater precision, use it with with the Wasatch Color Neighborhood Analyzer, linked below.
Support is included in every subscription to Wasatch SoftRIP.
Use it with the Wasatch Color Neighborhood Analyzer
Service in Your Language
Wasatch Service Data Uploader is the powerful tool that allows us to remotely service customers in over 150 countries around the world. Probably the most important tool in Wasatch SoftRIP, it is updated and expanded to do more than ever before to help us to help you.
Get your service using almost any language. Advances in machine translation enable our team to work in nearly any language you send.
Obtenga su servicio usando casi cualquier idioma.
Obtenha seu serviço usando quase qualquer idioma.
Dapatkan layanan Anda menggunakan hampir semua bahasa.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <WASATCH ACTION=JOB> <PAGE> <FILENAME>https://wasatchdemo.s3.amazonaws.com/flower.jpg</FILENAME> <Copies>1</Copies> </PAGE> </WASATCH>
Automation With the Cloud
Users of Automation Option can now print directly from Cloud storage, including Amazon S3 buckets and other distributed locations.
This update includes major improvements to the efficiency and speed of parallel processing of high volume production through Automation Option, drawing on considerable experience from the 2019 holiday season.
Simple Annotation
In mass customization, it is essential to get the right job to the right customer every time.
Automated annotation will now simply grab your file name, and add it to the print as a QR Code or 1D barcode. The reliability of QR Codes makes this feature powerful and effective for textile and dye sublimation.
This simple approach is supplemented by all the possibilities of Wasatch Automation Option.

Use Fluorescent Ink
Fluorescent swatches in Version 8.0 are special Imaging Configurations that can be downloaded from the Wasatch Cloud.
They contain databases of Wasatch Special Colors that span the useful range of combinations of fluorescent pink and yellow, combined with limited quantities of Cyan. They provide a wide range of yellows, pinks, oranges, and some greens and blues, that really glow.
These colors can be used directly with Wasatch's tools for spot color replacement. The Special Colors can also be imported and combined with other imaging configurations, for hybrid color management that also involves ICC profiles.
For reference and ease of use during spot color replacement, you can print all these colors using the "Special Colors Swatchbook" selection on Wasatch SoftRIP's Color menu.
These swatches are available for current printers with fluorescent ink. We can also make them on demand for other ink sets in other printers, for our subscription customers.
Import Color Data
Color experts and consultants have asked for more ability to import their own calibration and curve data. Version 8.0 provides a new feature for import of color curves from ".csv" files, with precision to one part in 10,000.

With a Wasatch subscription you always have access to the latest revisions, newest features and device support, and unlimited access to the Wasatch service team. It is a low cost way to preserve your workflow and color when updating and adding new devices.
When updating your existing license, you have the option of running with your existing USB copy protection. This can reduce, or in some cases eliminate any need to connect to the Internet.
Alternatively, if you can connect to the Internet just once per week, you can start a cloud license that is assigned to your computer with no copy protection device at all. Only a brief connection is needed.
Wasatch subscriptions are a low-cost and low-risk option that you can choose to continue or cancel at any time. We hope you'll never want to cancel, but if you do, you can cancel any subscription at the press of a button.
You can even install a subscription alongside your permanent copy of Wasatch SoftRIP, run it for a month, and cancel if you feel the benefit was not enough for you. We think you'll discover a big benefit.